Last night was Bey’s second concert for ‘The Mrs. Carter Show’ tour in Zagreb, and Tony was in attendance along with the rest of the Beyhive having a great time. Tony emailed us about the great experience that you can read about below:
This was the night of my life. Even now I can’t believe what just happened. I was really close to the stage. Beyonce opened the show with ‘Run the world’ and fans go crazy. She also sang End of time, Flaws and all, If I were a boy, Baby boy, and so much more. Every video that goes in between the songs, when B is changing clothes is amazing. I need to say that Beyonce has the best dancers in the world. I love them. Bey was giving fans a towels and her water that she drink! And after the show her drummer was throwing sticks to the fans. It was really amazing. I still don’t believe that I had the chance to see Beyonce live. If you have a opportunity to see Beyonce, go, you won’t regret it!
Be sure to follow Tony on Twitter! If you want to be featured on the site with a review from the tour just email us at BwFanBook@gmail.com and tell us about your full experience!