Beyhive seriously do you know how exceedingly awesome you are? Operation: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEYONCÉ is finished and ready for your viewing pleasure (www.happybirthdaybey.tumblr.com). BW Crew, Beyoncé Legion, and Beyoncé Lite couldn’t be more happy and grateful to everyone who took part in this special project! It feels so good to have you all come together for something big and special for someone so remarkable. Beyoncé happy birthday and we all love you!
Bonus: Beyhive guess what… The site is featured on Beyoncé’s official website! So make sure you head over there to check it out! Big thank you to Matt for making sure that Beyoncé seen the project! There are no words for the feeling that came over all of us, our reactions were priceless. We hope that you enjoy it Bey!