Get ready for another vegan trend that everyone is going to copy! Beyonce has started a second vegan challenge and we want in! Ahead of her husband Jay Z’s 44th birthday, Beyonce began a 22 day vegan stint. It certainly seemed to work based on her smoking body at the Grammys, were she showed her butt and danced all up on her man.

Anyway, she’s back for round two. Judging from her latest Instagram post, she’s embarking on another 22-day challenge of eating no meat or animal products whatsoever! She just shared a snap of her healthy snack—a peanut butter and chocolate chip flavored vegan protein bar cut up with sliced bananas on top. Bey captioned the shot of her no-gluten, no-soy, no-dairy snack simply, #22daysvegan. It’s safe to assume this is vegan stint no. 2 and not a throwback to the first one. What foodie would post an old throwback food pic. So why 22 days? Jay previously explained on his blog that “psychologists have said it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. On the 22nd day, you’ve found the way.”

Source: Hollyscoop TV


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