Lora Noneva got the chance to attend ‘The Mrs. Carter Show’ world tour in Belgrade on Monday. Lora was kind enough to email us her concert experience which you can read all about below:
Okay I don’t know where to start from… Seeing Beyonce live in Belgrade at The Mrs.Carter Show was the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me! As soon as she got on the stage everyone went crazy (including me). She is/was so beautiful!!!!!!!! Thanks to the amazing staging and the effects I felt like i was in a fairytale, a fairytale which only Queen B is able to tell!! I can’t explain with words the feeling you get when you see Beyonce live especially when she is flying above the people like she did in her concert!!! And to see Beyonce performing ” Single ladies”, dance and every move she makes on the stage is priceless!!!! My dream became reality! The concert was INSANE, I’ll never forget it! I love you Beyonce.
Be sure to follow Lora on Twitter! If you want to be featured on the site with a review from the tour just email us at BwFanBook@gmail.com and tell us about your full experience!