Good morning Beyhive! *Yells* Surprise!!!!!!!!!! As you can see we finally have a new look up! Please forgive us for having the previous layout up for so long. We are very excited to introduce the Mrs. Carter Show theme to you! We have been working endlessly to make sure this launch was perfect along with the designer Lilianne.
We’re thrilled to be kicking off this new era with you all even though we still have a few things to still add to the layout. We know Beyoncé has a lot of exciting things planned and we can’t wait to see how she’s going to change the game this year. We as a site hope to continue to grow bigger and bigger this year with the love and support from the hive!
With all that being said we hope you LOVE the new site and be sure to follow us on Twitter @TheBeyonceWorld for more updates. Also be sure to add us on Facebook and we are also on Instagram as well. So enjoy the new temporary look while we prepare the site for bigger and better things this year!
BW Crew