If you are Beyoncé or anyone from her crew then don’t read this post.
If you are a fan then read more details after the cut.
Good evening Beyhive! We are very excited to announce our first official collaborative project. The Beyoncé World has teamed up with Beyoncé Legion and Beyoncé Lite for operation: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEYONCÉ! As September 4th nears along, we want to celebrate Mrs. Carter’s 32nd year of life with as much love and support as possible and we need the fans’ help! We have created a very special Tumblr page which will display all your birthday submissions to Beyoncé. You might be wondering, what exactly do we need from you? We need several things and here’s the breakdown
Submit your entry whether it’s a picture, a video, or a text message by simply clicking the ‘Submit’ button here: http://happybirthdaybey.tumblr.com/
Or by emailing it to: BeyBirthday13@gmail.com
– Pictures: You can submit a picture of yourself holding up a sign that reads “Happy Birthday Beyoncé.” It is absolutely acceptable If you prefer not to include yourself in the picture as long as you still include the “Happy Birthday Beyoncé” sign in your photo. Like Mrs. Carter, we promote creativity! So do not hesitate to customize your photos by including any Beyoncé merchandise you own such as albums, posters, T-shirts, etc.
Videos: You can submit a 30- second video wishing/singing Beyoncé a happy birthday. Personalize your video by expressing your love for Beyonce, how she’s affected your life, why she inspires you and more. Once again, we desire creativity. Ensure that you find a way to deliver your message to Beyonce and wish her a happy birthday at the same time
– Videos: Submit a 30-second video of yourself wishing/singing Beyoncé a happy birthday. In the video, you can also express how much Beyoncé and her music means to you, the impact she had on your life, and how she inspires you. Make sure your video is high-quality, otherwise it will not be accepted.
– Messages: You can submit a 100 word or less letter to Beyoncé. Share your memorable experiences you’ve had with Beyonce in your life through her music, her live shows, or anything about her life in general. Once again, ensure that you wish her a happy birthday as well.
– Artwork: You can submit your original Beyoncé artwork and attach a message wishing Beyoncé a happy birthday. Please
keep your message at 100 words or less.
Your first and last name
Twitter name (only if you have one)
Country (where are you from)
Please know that LOW QUALITY material will not be posted
Deadline: September 1st.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us on Twitter: @Bey_Exclusive, @TheBeyonceWorld, @BeyonceLite. And via E-mail at: BeyBirthday13@gmail.com